Gallery Show

Indulge in Batavia

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One of the first undertakings The CG Project took on was a collaboration between us and People Made Visible where we presented a selection of documentaries called Growing Your Own. It featured short films about people that are taking more control over our food sources. Filmmakers included myself, Jeff Spitz, Arlen Parsa, Mitch Wenkus, Mary Horan, Patrick Lile and Grant Guiliano. The subject of Grant’s film about a Permaculture program at The University of Massachusetts went on to be honored by President Obama as one of his Champions of Change.

This year, People Made Visible invited us to present another series of short docs about food for Indulge, a gallery show at Water Street Studios in Batavia, IL. This time we narrowed the field to a smaller group of filmmakers that keep alive the tradition of exchanging knowledge about growing food. The Cinematic Garden and The Patio Gardeners will contribute a few videos from this painful growing season and Jeff Spitz will let us screen some excerpts from Food Patriots. For dessert, we’ll have a short film by Mode Project. The Donut Vault is about small bakery with an old world business model.

The screening will take place during an open studio event Saturday, July 21st from 6 to 9 pm at 160 S. Water Street in Batavia, IL. Come for the show and say to see work by the artists of Water Street Studios.

Imagine: hotdogs, funnel cakes, gummy bears, chocolate cake, bananas, ice cream, strawberries, crab legs, oysters, pasta, salads, water, beer, wine and champagne. Then imagine: 5-star restaurants, diners, food trucks, concession stands, farm stands and of course all you can eat buffet. Are you hungry now? This exhibition will take a closer look at one of our basic needs through the eyes of contemporary (perhaps starving) artists. Welcome to the smorgasbord. – A. Holm, People Made Visible